11. Edinburgh Pride 2019
On Saturday 16th June 2018 over 5000 people joined us for Pride Edinburgh 2018: True Colours, and it was a momentous day, even with the rain, it needs rain to make the Rainbow shine and our true colours shone more brightly across the city than ever before.
Pride will return to the capital city on Saturday 22nd June 2019 and to mark the 50th anniversary of the stonewall riots the theme for next year will be Pride Edinburgh 2019: This is me. More details will be announced later.
click here for further information Hits: [632] |
12. Essex Pride 2019
Essex Pride is an annual celebration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) life in Essex and beyond.
The 2019 event is scheduled for Sunday 15th June 2019 , midday until late, at Central Park in Chelmsford.
Essex Pride is more than just a huge party. It inspires our community to embrace equality. It demonstrates that local organisations and businesses, along with thousands of friends, can join together to celebrate diversity.
click here for further information Hits: [2464] |
13. Europride 2019 | Vienna
We are more than our borders. We are more than the languages we speak and the color of our skin. We are more than our gender and who we want to love. We are your friends, your family, neighbors. We are survivors, brave and strong. Together we are one community.
Together we can be proud of who we are and hopeful about what our world can be.
In 2019 EuroPride takes place in Vienna. Join us. March with us. Together & Proud. This year’s event takes place from the 1st - 16th June
click here for further information Hits: [734] |
14. Exmouth Pride 2019
Exmouth Pride is run by a dedicated team of volunteers which is growing year by year. We operate in Exmouth, Devon and help support LGBT+, young people & others in the community throughout Exmouth & further afield in Devon.
Celebrating Exmouth's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) communites. Exmouth Pride's landmark 5th Pride is Saturday 22nd June 2019.
click here for further information Hits: [555] |
15. Gloucestershire Pride 2019
Pride in Gloucestershire is a celebration of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Queer life in Gloucestershire.
Any events supported or arranged by Pride in Gloucestershire aim to promote awareness of LGBTQ+ issues by providing information, education and entertainment in a safe environment.
Pride in Gloucestershire is a not-for-profit organisation ran entirely by Volunteers.
The 2019 event is scheduled to take place on Saturday 14th September.
click here for further information Hits: [3230] |
17. Northumberland Pride 2019
Northumberland Pride is a county wide organisation set up in 2017 to raise awareness of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT+) culture and heritage. We do this by promoting equality and diversity for the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. In practice we provide safe spaces which break down barriers that promote inclusion and support across Northumberland.
The 2019 event is scheduled for Saturday 1st June 2019
click here for further information Hits: [1329] |
18. Portsmouth LGBT Pride 2019
Portsmouth Pride Mission Statement: our aims are to promote equality and diversity, advance education and eliminate discrimination in relation to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. We work for the benefit of the community in Portsmouth and the surrounding areas. The purpose of Portsmouth Pride is to raise awareness on issues affecting LGBT persons, by staging an annual festival.
We also support other charitable and voluntary organisations within the community throughout the year, developing an environment in favour of LGBT equality by providing information, advice and support.
The Parade leaves from Guildhall Square at noon. Dress up and bring your flags and whistles! A great event for all the family, with music, entertainment, and led by Raw Samba, bringing the atmosphere of Mardi Gras to Portsmouth. You do not need tickets - just come along and join in the fun!
Portsmouth Pride is scheduled to take place on Saturday 22nd June 2019
click here for further information Hits: [2742] |
19. Suffolk Pride
Suffolk Pride is an event that celebrates LGBTQ+ equality and diversity. The one-day parade and Pride celebration event will take place on the Waterfront in Ipswich on Saturday 22 June 2019 from 12 to 6pm.
click here for further information Hits: [1012] |
20. York Pride 2019
York Pride is a charitable organisation which aims to promote equality, diversity and advances in education, in order to eliminate discrimination against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community.
York Pride 2019 Parade
York Pride raises awareness of LGBT issues by promoting and staging events, taking part in campaigning and commentary in the media, and providing support to other LGBT charities and voluntary organisations. We also promote the provision of information, advice and support that celebrate LGBT lives and history. We aim for York to be a place where everybody knows that the diversity offered by the LGBT community is something to be celebrated and in which LGBT people can feel safe and accepted. We believe that inclusiveness improves self esteem and provides a sense of belonging, which helps to diminish the psychological effects of discrimination faced by individuals in daily life.
This year's event takes place on Saturday 8th June 2019
click here for further information Hits: [4555] |